4 NDIS Plan Management Questions To Ask

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4 NDIS Plan Management Questions To Ask

The NDIS is an exciting new way of providing support for people with disabilities, but it can be a little confusing. There are many different plans, funding options, and service providers to choose from.

The NDIS requires each participant to have an "effective and efficient" plan that meets their needs. The term "effective" means that it supports the participant to achieve their goals, while '"efficient" means that it gives them the right level of support at the right time.

To determine whether your plan is effective or inefficient, ask yourself these questions:

1. Is my current plan still relevant? If not, why have I not updated it?

The NDIS plans are designed to be regularly reviewed and updated as required. You should have a review meeting at least annually with your NDIS planner to check that the plan is still fit for purpose. It is worth asking yourself whether there have been any changes in your needs or circumstances since your last review. If there have been significant changes then you may need to update your plan with new goals and outcomes, or adjust the support needed.

2. Is my current service provider delivering what is required in my NDIS plan?

If you are using an agency or individual provider to help you manage your NDIS-funded support, then it's important that they are providing services that meet the requirements of your plan. They should be following instructions from your NDIS planner regarding the types of support they can provide, how often they need to be provided, and how long they will last (or when they will stop). If you feel like there has been a sudden change in what is being provided (e.g., if there is suddenly less support being provided), then it may be useful to speak with your NDIS planner about what has happened and why.

3. Do I need more forms of support? If so, which ones and why?

You might be able to answer this question yourself by reflecting on how much independence you have, how much support you need from others, how much freedom you have in your life and what your goals are. For example, if you think that you need more support in order to be able to work a full-time job, then it may be useful to talk with your NDIS planner about what types of supports are available and whether they might be able to help.

4. Are there any gaps in my current support system? If so, what can be done to fill these gaps?

Your NDIS plan management should look at your current support system and ask if there are any gaps in it. For example, do you have enough support to attend medical appointments? If not, then this can be addressed by asking for more help with transportation or arranging for someone else to accompany you. 

Chat with an NDIS plan management provider, such as KaizenCare, if you have any concerns about your plan today.

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Disability Services for Children and Adults If you are a person with a disability, or know someone who is, you know that finding and accessing quality disability services can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are many resources available to help both those who need services and those who provide them. This site will introduce you to some of the most important info and advice about locating, accessing, and getting the most out of a disability service or program. Our non-expert contributors have worked night and day to research and write the articles here. They explore many different topics related to community disability services for children and adults.
